K-12 Programs
NMC offers a variety of programs for K-12 students, including:
- High school dual enrollment: High school students can get a head start earning college credits by taking classes at NMC.
- Commitment Scholarships: These are awarded to students from school districts in NMC’s service area. Students are selected in eighth grade by their principals and counselors.
- Dennos Museum Center: Offering educational concerts in Milliken Auditorium, guided tours, art projects, special toddler programs, games relating to exhibits, gallery guides, teacher resources, and a lending library of books and videos. Two educational programming funds can help cover admission or travel costs for public and private K-12 school visits to the Dennos Museum Center.
- College for Kids: Providing enrichment courses for ages 4 to 17 including ACT test preparation, art, cooking, martial arts and Youth Flute Choir. The popular summer program features more than 150 week-long courses.
- Children’s Choir: Providing musical artistry experiences to students entering grades 2-9. Auditions are held each summer on campus for the following school year.
- Free Fishing Day: An event held annually in June at the Great Lakes Campus.
Just for fun
Try one of these printable PDF puzzles, seen in a recent issue of Kidsville News, and sponsored by NMC: