State-of-the-Art Equipment
The Great Lakes Water Studies Institute and its associated programs give students access to state-of-the-art equipment throughout their coursework, including the examples below.
RV Northwestern
The Northwestern research vessel is a 56-foot, 20-passenger coastal survey vessel. With a 14' beam and a large salon, she is ideal for trips within Grand Traverse Bay.
The Northwestern's twin engines run on bio-diesel and the aluminum-hull vessel cruises at a speed of 10 knots.
Multibeam Sonars (MBES)
NMC's Seafloor Systems Echoboat with integrated Kongsberg M3 MBES
SubAtlantic Mojave ROV deployment at NMC's Great Lakes Campus
Kongsberg MBES and Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV
R2Sonic MBES aboard NMC's RV Northwestern Various multibeam sonar systems are utilized throughout the Marine Technology program. Both in-house and loaned equipment are used for training purposes. Companies supporting NMC include Kongsberg, R2Sonic, Teledyne and Edgetech. Students in the program conduct field operations utilizing these systems in Lake Michigan, various inland lakes and river systems from multiple research vessels and autonomous surface vessels. Systems are deployed from multiple NMC vessel assets including the RV Northwestern, RV Hawkowl (a 21-foot enclosed-cabin trailerable vessel) and a Seafloor Systems Echoboat (a purpose-built remote survey platform for hydrographic data collection).
In-house equipment:
- Kongsberg M3 Sonar
- Seapath 130-5 Navigation System
- AML Sound Velocity Profiler & Probe
- USM sonar mounting systems
Industry-provided equipment (typically utilized):
- R2Sonic Sonic 2024
- Kongsberg 2040P
- Edgetech 6205S
Courses including field operations of MBES include:
- WSI 200 — Great Lakes Research Technologies: This two-week intensive course teaches the fundamentals for MBES setup, calibration, operation and collection.
- WSI 310 — Sonar Systems and Operations: This intensive course provides advanced training in the use of MBES systems aboard NMC research vessels in Lake Michigan and various inland lakes and river systems.
- WSI 390 — Marine Technology Internship: Internship experience that provides company based training and operation of MBES systems for research/commercial/government use.
- WSI 400 — Marine Capstone: Project-based course utilizing MBES aboard NMC research vessels and NMC autonomous surface vessels.
- WSI 440 — Advanced Marine Platforms: This course focuses on the use of complex marine platforms in multiple marine environments through the completion of a defined field project. Competencies of various technologies are assessed including multiple sonar systems, unmanned underwater vehicles and remotely operated vehicles.
Remotely Operated Vehicles
Multiple Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are utilized throughout the Marine Technology program. Various in-house vehicles are used for training purposes. Systems include Outland Technologies, Saab Seaeye, Subatlantic, Teledyne, Blue Robotics. Students in the program conduct field operations utilizing these systems in Lake Michigan, various inland lakes and river systems from multiple research vessels. Systems are deployed from multiple NMC vessel assets including the RV Northwestern, Parker 2130 21-foot enclosed cabin trailerable vessel, docks, piers, hydroelectric facilities/Dams, tunnels/pipelines and shorelines.
In-house equipment
- Outland 1000 ROV with Tritech Micron scanning sonar
- Outland 1000 ROV with Blueview sonar
- Each Outland includes
- Single function manipulator
- HD camera
- Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV
- Kongsberg 1171 scanning sonar
- Sled mount 5 function manipulator
- Single stick manipulator
- Sled mount MBES/Scanning/Imaging sonar (Kongsberg M3)
- 3 cameras — 2 standard Def (one forward and one rear) one forward HD
- 450 meters of FO tether
- (2) SubAtlantic Mojave ROV, each include:
- 3 function manipulator
- Tritech Seaking Scanning Sonar
- Tritech MicroNav USBL
- Altitude sonar
- Multiple Blue Robotics ROV trainer systems
- Teledyne Seabotix LBV (shop trainer vehicle)
Courses including field operations of MBES include:
- WSI 200 — Great Lakes Research Technologies: This two-week intensive course teaches the fundamentals for ROV set up and operation
- WSI 240 — ROV Systems & Operations: This course provides intermediate level training in the use of ROVsystems aboard NMC research vessels in Lake Michigan and and from docks, piers and other infrastructure
- WSI 390 — Marine Technology Internship: Internship experience that provides company based training and operation of ROV systems for research/commercial/government use.
- WSI 400 — Marine Capstone: Project-based course utilizing ROVs locally, regionally and internationally
- WSI 440 — Advanced Marine Platforms: This course focuses on the use of complex marine platforms in multiple marine environments through the completion of a defined field project. Competencies of various technologies are assessed including multiple sonar systems, unmanned underwater vehicles and remotely operated vehicles.
Other in-house Marine Technologies utilized in courses listed above include:
- Edgetech 4205 400/900 Dual Frequency Side Scan Sonar
- 30 meters of tether
- Kongsberg 1171 Hi Res Multi Frequency Scanning Sonar
- 30 and 100 meter tethers
- Tritech Seaking Multi Frequency Scanning Sonar
- Marine Magnetics Explorer Pro Magnetometer
- 30 meters of tether
- Linkquest USBL
Marine Science and Water Quality equipment
- YSI Exo2 6600 Multiparameter Sonde
- YSI DSS Pro Multiparameter Sonde
- (2) In Situ AquaTroll 600 with flow thru kit Multiparameter Sonde
Courses including field operations of Marine Science and Water Quality equipment include:
- WSI-106 — Intro to Water Quality: Basic introduction to the use and application of water quality sensors.
- WSI-150 — Introduction to Site Assessment and Remediation: This course provides an introduction to the principles and techniques used for site assessment, remediation strategies and monitoring techniques of contaminated groundwater and soils. Areas of emphasis include an overview of Phase I/II environmental site assessments (ESA), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Site Health and Safety Plans (HASP) and the practice of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) commonly used in various industries.
- WSI-200 — Great Lakes Research Technologies: This two-week intensive course teaches the fundamentals of marine technology and marine science technologies and sensors.
- WSI-250 — Groundwater Monitoring and Aquifer Sampling: This hands-on course will introduce students to sampling protocols, procedures, quality control, preservation technology, field analysis and data interpretation. Students will learn how to sample soil, sediments, surface water, groundwater and air using industry-accepted protocols and industry standard equipment.
- WSI-240 — ROV Systems & Operations: Marine science and sensor technologies are often utilized aboard ROV systems.
- WSI-390 — Marine Technology Internship: Internship experience that provides company based training and operation of marine science and technology systems for research/commercial/government use.
- WSI-400 — Marine Capstone: Project-based course utilizing marine science and technology systems locally, regionally and internationally.
- WSI-440 — Advanced Marine Platforms: This course focuses on the use of complex marine platforms in multiple marine environments through the completion of a defined field project. Competencies of various technologies are assessed including multiple sonar systems, marine sensors, unmanned underwater vehicles and remotely operated vehicles.