Additional Ways to Promote Your Campus Events

  1. Contact professors and ask them to announce the event in class (include all info, such as speaker, time, date, place), and offer extra credit for attending.
  2. Post information all over campus (be a responsible flier hanger: take them down following the event!)
  3. Contact the Student Life Office to help distribute info through group emails, other events and word of mouth.
  4. Visit other student group meetings and ask their help in spreading the word as well as attending. Encourage student groups to set up tables at your event to promote their activities and to seek members.
  5. Contact the White Pine Press (early!) at Pitching your event for news coverage or taking out paid advertising are both options.
  6. Ask WNMC to conduct an interview with the presenter and to announce the event. Contact Eric Hines at (231) 995-2562 or for details.
  7. Have give-a-ways at the event.
  8. If your event is aimed at the public in general, see media promotions for additional guidelines, including social media like Facebook.
  9. Put table tents in the dining hall, coffee areas and the library.

Well-timed, consistent promotion will help make your event successful!