Transfer to Finish My Bachelor’s Degree

At Northwestern Michigan College, we make it easy for you to pursue a “2+2” degree program where you complete the first half (typically around two years) of your degree at our community college and then transfer to a four-year college or university to finish your bachelor’s degree. Since the first two years of a college education are typically spent taking general courses, you will have a good opportunity to strengthen your college grade point average (GPA) and to take advantage of our lower costs and friendly environment before you transfer.

Many students studying at NMC have plans to complete a bachelor’s degree after they finish an associate degree on our campus. NMC has dedicated academic advisors who can help you choose the classes at NMC that will help you transfer to another program to complete your bachelor’s degree.

NMC Transfer Resources

Other Transfer Resources

Steps to Successful Transfer

  1. Begin meeting with your academic advisor starting in your first semester to create an academic plan for completing your associate degree. This plan should help you select courses for each semester of enrollment. You can also find this information on the model schedules created for each area of study at NMC
  2. Undertake a college/university search to decide where you would like to transfer. This information is very important for helping you and your academic advisor customize your academic plan.
  3. Monitor your progress toward associate degree completion using My Academic Plan (MAP).
  4. During your second semester, begin applying for admission to your transfer school choices.
  5. Actively communicate with an academic advisor at your transfer school.
  6. One semester before transfer, notify an international advisor at NMC and fill out the Transfer Out form.

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